Chef Edwin Van Goethem is a former student of the hotel school in Koksijde, Belgium. He did his apprenticeship with various Michelin-star restaurants in Belgium and abroad. To this day, he still follows apprenticeships to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in gastronomy.

The chef has developed his own unique style. He always manages to add his own personal touch to every dish, whether it’s French, Italian, Spanish or Japanese. You’ll surely be able to taste some Japanese influences in his latest culinary creations, which he subtly intertwines with very personal dishes. Miso, sesame, dashi, wasabi and yusu add that bit of flavoursome extra.

Paramount in Edwin’s kitchen is always the uncompromising choice of first-class base products. Not to mention all the things from his own village. Whether it’s the local beer, asparagus, fresh vegetables, goats milk or red fruits. He also counts on top-quality suppliers for day-fresh fish. For his meats, he has been working closely with master butcher Hendrik Dierendonck for some time. And even for ingredients such as olive oil and spices, Edwin will only rely on the best suppliers!

It’s clear to see that the efforts of Edwin have come together and borne fruit. For seven years running, his gourmet restaurant has attained a quality score of 16/20 in the leading culinary guide Gault&Millau. 1 star at Michelinguide.




Het restaurant is gesloten:

Donderdag 9 mei
Vrijdag 10 mei

Vakantie vanaf 18 juli tot en met 26 juli
Terug open vanaf zaterdag 27 juli.

Donderdag 15 augustus
Vrijdag 16 augustus

Vakantie vanaf 24 oktober tot en met 1 november
Terug open vanaf zaterdag 2 november.






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Nieuwkerkenstraat 4
9100 Nieuwkerken
03 / 778.08.45

opening times :

’S Middags open vrijdag en zondag
’S avonds open op donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag & zondag
Vanaf 15 personen ook open op sluitingsdagen